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Hip Arthroplasty

General Information

Hip arthroplasty is also called a hip replacement; this can be partial or total. Hip arthroplasty replaces a damaged hip joint with an artificial joint called prosthesis. The prosthesis unit is a ceramic or metal ball component that fits into an artificial socket. The new socket is inserted into the hipbone are commonly constructed of metal, plastic or ceramic materials.

Reasons for Hip Arthroplasty

  • Removes damaged or diseased potions of hip bone and joint structure
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Bone tumors
  • Fractured hip, especially among the elderly


Your doctor may utilize a number of diagnostic tests to determine efficacy of your hip joint, its function and your suitability for a partial or total hip replacement, including:

  • Laboratory tests
  • X-rays
  • CT scan
  • MRI


  • You will be prepped for surgery
  • You'll be given general anesthesia, so you'll be asleep during the procedure. Your doctor may also opt for a spinal block in the lower spine. You'll be awake but won't feel anything
  • An incision is made over the affected hip
  • The surgeon will remove damaged pieces of bone and/or surrounding tissues
  • The surgeon will prepare the surface of the hip for the prosthetic socket
  • The prosthetic socket will be attached to your pelvis
  • The stem end of a prosthetic ball portion of the replacement joint is inserted into the upper end of the femur and held in place with bio-absorbable screws or wires
  • The surgeon will ensure the fit and proper function of the hip socket and joint prosthesis by doing range of motion exercises on your hip

What to Expect

The approach and type of hip replacement you receive will depend on your condition, your doctor and surgeon's recommendation and your current state of health. The procedure generally takes two to three hours, but again depends on the approach. You'll be encouraged to move your hip as soon as possible following the procedure to help healing and enhance circulation. You may need to wear compression stockings to prevent blood clots. As soon as you're able, you'll be encouraged to start physical rehabilitation therapy.